Wonder Looper| 重磅針織品牌
Wonder Looper是由居住在橫濱的Risa Saito與Bahzad Trinos兩夫妻所創立的品牌,不僅對於經典的服飾文化情有獨鍾,他們同時也是加拿大知名丹寧品牌Naked & Famous的核心成員之一,公司創立之初,主要透過骨董手搖縫紉機,為顧客生產定製的刺繡設計。
憑藉著在相關產業所累積的海量知識,他們決定開始生產自己的針織服飾品牌,透過廣闊的人脈以及對品質的堅持,找上了日本最優質的針織廠,打版、剪裁、縫製皆於當地完成,並以世界之最的厚實手感為其特色,優異的品質也將Wonder Looper的知名度快速推向全球,成為高端針織品牌的代表之一。
Wonder Looper is a knitwear company founded by Risa Saito and Bahzad Trinos, a married couple based in Yokohama, Japan. They started the company using vintage hand cranked chainstitching machines to produce custom embroidered pieces by hand.
Rather than using generic blank t-shirts, they decided to produce their own, using their expertise and knowledge of the apparel industry to create high-quality, specialty knitwear. They are known for their obsessive commitment to quality and their use of unique and rare fabrics. This has helped to make Wonder Looper a successful and well-respected brand in the world of knitwear.